How to Build Trust With a Man Who Has Children

Well the day that I met my now fiancé, I could tell that he was having baby mama drama. I had no feelings for him at the time. I just knew that was the first thing that I crossed out on my “I need a man list,” no baby mamas! This man had a couple of children. Long story short, he made me go oooh-wee, and things changed for the both of us. I found out that this man was not an ordinary man, and I will explain what I mean about this.

Ladies, this man would call up his baby mamas with me right next to him. He would put these women on speakerphone. He did this so that I could hear what his relationship with them was like. He didn’t do this one time. This man did this every time they called his phone. Just by him doing that, it opened up trust and confidence in my relationship with this man.
My Advice to the Women Involved With Men With Children

There are rules and boundaries that you cannot cross when dealing with a man who has a child with another woman. Be mindful that if you’re truly planning on making a life with this man, you have to respect his child’s mother. She may not like you, but as long as you’re showing her the respect of being the mother of his child, then her hate for you will prove worthless. How can you hate someone who respects you?

This advice that I’m about to give will be hard for some to grasp. Those who have strong wills and cool heads will receive this advice as it is. When it comes to your man dealing with his child’s mother on matters concerning their child, it is in your best interests to stay out of it. Your relationship is with him, not the baby mama. You and your man can discuss the issues concerning both the baby mama and child, but he must handle his issues with both alone.

If you find out he’s still having sex with the baby mama, you have to let him go immediately, unless you’re into sharing your man. I hate to tell you this, but if you found out that your man has slept with his baby mama while the two of you have been together, it will not stop. Those ties have yet to be severed, and they won’t be until either of them are ready to do it. There’s nothing that you can do to make them stop. One of them has to say enough is enough.

Some men feel that once a woman gives birth to his child, she belongs to him forever.

Here are five tips for dealing with baby mama drama. Always try to have some patience and compassion as it’s not an easy situation for the man to be in.
1. Jealousy is normal: This other woman was a big part of your man’s life at one point, and the fact that they share a child is a big deal. At one point she loved him, and maybe she still does. Jealousy is a normal emotion for you and the baby mama to have. Try to not let your emotions get the best of you.

2. Develop a relationship with the baby mama: Your man is in the middle of two women, and that is a tough spot to be in. Try to develop a good relationship with the other woman; just don’t expect you two to become friends. Make sure she knows that you are not trying to take her place as the mother of the child and acknowledge the special bond she has with your man.

3. Be respectful: While you and the other woman getting along might be a bit of a stretch, try to respect her and her wishes. Understand that she wants to do what is best for the child, and you should respect that. Just make sure that your man understands this too and that he understands what his roles and responsibilities are supposed to be.

4. Understand your role: You’re not responsible for the child in the same way that your man and the other woman are. Understand your role to play in all of this and respect the boundaries established by the baby mama. Don’t try to be a second mother to the child. Instead, just try to build a solid relationship with the kid.

5. Make your feelings clear: This is really important. Make your feelings clear to your man. If your boundaries are not being respected and your man is not giving you the attention you deserve, let him know. You deserve to be cared for and appreciated as well. That is if he cares about continuing to have a relationship with you.

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