No contact rule.

The “No Contact” rule is a popular subject for people who are going through breakups. Some writers, however, have gone overboard in trying to show its effectiveness, especially with how to use the NC rule to get your ex
Consequently, you shouldn’t believe everything you read. You should read several perspectives on the subject and then figure out what to do. This article will look at what constitutes No Contact, how it should be done, its benefits, and what you should and should not do if you decide to exercise it.
The advice here can be effective for people who were dumped, or for those who initiated the breakup.
What Is the No Contact Rule?
No Contact means you do not initiate any form of communication with your ex nor respond to their communications. This applies in all circumstances except for when there’s no way to avoid seeing or interacting with them.
If you are forced to communicate with your ex, your conversations should be as casual as possible—no flirting, talking about the failed relationship, or talking about getting back together.
Remember that NC is not a way to get your ex back or to make them miss you. Though there is a chance these things could happen, No Contact is really something you should be doing for yourself and for your own healing.
Rules of No Contact After a Breakup
1. You do not call them (either on the telephone or through any Internet applications).
2. You do not text them or message them (either through SMS or any social media application).
3. You do not answer your ex’s calls or reply to their texts (except in the case of an emergency).
4. You do not stalk your ex, either in-person or on social media sites.
5. You block them from all social media sites.
6. You do not go places where you’re likely to run into your ex in order to “accidentally” bump into them.
7. You do not use your mutual friends in order to be updated about your ex’s current status, asking if they’re seeing someone else or if there’s any indication they want to get back together.
As mentioned above, if there is an emergency, you might need to respond to your ex’s communications or send them communications of your own. Make sure, however, that the conversation between you two doesn’t drift from the issue at hand.
How Long Should No Contact Last?
There are no set guidelines for how long No Contact should last. In general, it needs to be longer than a period of two weeks in order for it to be effective. Depending on the length of your relationship and how intense it was, a period of four weeks might be enough, but it might also need to last several months or even several years.
Does the No Contact Rule Work?
That depends on what you mean. In general, No Contact is a useful tool for getting over a breakup. It helps individuals realize that the past is over and that they need to move on and learn how to live life without their exes.
In some cases, after a period of No Contact, the exes do get back together again. In this example, the period of separation would have helped them understand more about themselves and what they wanted, and with clear reflection, they could both come to the conclusion that they wanted to be together again.
However, even though there have been many articles and books written about this topic, few admit that No Contact does not work all the time. It will not help you get over the breakup immediately, and it doesn’t guarantee that you will get back together with your ex. It is simply a rule, and like other rules, it can work in your favor or not. It simply acts as a guide.


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