Rebuild the trust and affection

Build Positive Routines to Refuel Your Love
As the years go on and our priorities change, the days seem to grow shorter. The hours are not enough to really nurture our relationship. We find ourselves growing frustrated at times, arguing more frequently or being too quiet around each other, maybe not knowing what to say or afraid to say something wrong to fuel the fire that has gradually turned to
resentment toward one another.
The fire that once burned strong and hot with flames that flickered vibrantly, full of life, may now have grown dull and gray. The fire seems to have run its course, left with nothing but ashes of what was once there. Rebuild that fire, feed it to light it up again!
I know firsthand from having been with my spouse in a relationship for nearly ten years (married nearly seven years) that you need to constantly find ways to keep your relationship strong and beating with enthusiasm. It’s easy to let it fall through the cracks when you have kids, a career and other obligations to tend to but that’s why making a point to work on it is vital to its survival.
Having routines are not always a bad thing. Instead of just comfortable, dull ones, mix in ones that specifically feed your relationship. Develop a set of routines that prioritizes your relationship instead of putting it out.

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