Simple ways to prove your love to someone
#1 Be truthful. Be truthful about your feelings and voice your thoughts.
The easiest way to prove that you love someone is by expressing your opinions about this special person.
#2 A shoulder to learn on. Stand by your lover, in the good times, and more so in the bad times.
All of us have our ups and downs in life. Be the shoulder to lean on and give your partner the courage and strength to take the next step by letting them know that you’re right by their side.
#3 Sex and lust. While infatuation revolves around sex and lust, love doesn’t. Love is a deeper emotion that transcends physical appearances. If you truly believe that you like your partner for who they are as a person, and not because of how much they arouse you, that’s true love.
#4 Don’t be materialistic. Money is fickle. It’s true that money can give you a lot of happiness, but your love should not flicker with the winds of wealth.
#5 Romantic gestures. Indulging in happy romantic gestures is one of the sweetest ways to let someone know that you truly love them. It’ll make your partner feel loved and you’ll feel warm and happy on the inside.
#6 Unconditional love. Love your partner unconditionally and selflessly. Put their needs before yours, and focus on their happiness more than your own. Unconditional love is tricky though and these expressions of selfless love should never be one sided in the relationship, or it would eventually lead to a painful breakup

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